Do guinea pigs actually make good pets? Yes! Here’s why!
If you’re considering getting guinea pigs and you want to know what it is like to own them, here’s the top 10 reasons why they really do make amazing pets. Along the way we’ll tackle some common statements about piggies like: “guinea pigs are low maintenance”, “guinea pigs are great for kids” and “guinea pigs are inexpensive”.
Fact: these things aren’t always true!
Starting with the basics: guinea pigs are relatively long-lived, especially compared to other small rodents such as hamsters and rats. The average guinea pig lives 5-7 years, so it’s great that they can be part of your life for longer. Don’t forget though that this does mean that they are a bigger commitment than smaller pets. Consider this when thinking if guinea pigs are right for you and if they will fit into your future plans!

Guinea pigs are diurnal, which means they are generally awake when we are! I say generally – because their sleeping patterns are very different from ours. You’ll find that guinea pigs are usually most active in the morning and the late evening. They also sleep during the day, but never for that long, in fact guinea pigs usually only sleep for 10 minutes at a time!
Piggies are undeniably gorgeous. Their little noses, cute little piggie lips and their little floppy ears get me everytime! There are also lots of different hair types and colours and coat patterns out there, whether you get them from a pet shop, breeder or guinea pig rescue. Longer-haired piggies do require a bit more grooming though!

They are incredibly vocal pets, especially if kept in pairs or groups. Their behaviours are so varied and fascinating to watch. This is one of my favourite things about owning piggies and one of the main reasons they make such good pets! Some quick examples are:
- Squeaking dramatically for food.
- Rumbling in a show of dominance.
- Contented cooing when being stroked.
- Chutting when happily exploring.
Each guinea pigs has their own special character and individual likes and dislikes. Of course this is true for any pet, but with their range of interesting behaviours and vocalisations, your guinea pig’s individual personality really shines through. Over the years I have owned 9 guinea pigs, and I can still say how each of them was different in their own way!

The ability to keep guinea pigs in pairs and small groups makes them more rewarding to look after, as they are naturally social animals. In fact, where possible guinea pigs should always have company of their own – they are happily and healthier living with cage mates. Seeing them interact with each other and introducing new piggies to the herd along the way is one of the most exciting things about guinea pig care! Groups must be either all females or all males. Don’t put males and females together unless they are neutered or spayed!
Unlike dogs or cats, guinea pigs will be fine left alone (especially if they live with other guinea pigs for company!). It’s fine to be out most of the day with work or school and you can leave them for one night, as long as you clean and feed them before you go and as soon as you get home. Handy to know for those of us with busy lives!
Having a larger cage makes this easier as there’s more space to put fresh hay and food and mess won’t build up as quickly. If you’re researching cages, have a look at this post on the best guinea pig cages on the market, and this post on DIY cages, including C&C cages!
However! Don’t assume this automatically means they are super easy to care for! Easier than a dog or a pet that requires more attention, but owning guinea pigs is still a big responsibility – from making sure they are housed well, giving them the right diet, keeping up to a grooming regime and cleaning them out and preparing fresh food for them every single day. As their owners, it’s also up to us to monitor their health and take them to the vet if something is not right. This might mean administering medications and other health related tasks, including hand feeding if they need it.
I had to give this special behaviour a number of its own, because it is such a heartwarming thing to see. Guinea pigs popcorn, or jump up in the air, when they are just too excited to contain themselves! Popcorning can be triggered by things like rustling food bags, other loud noises or just having the opportunity to run around during floortime. If you let your piggies out for floortime, they usually enjoy exploring, they might follow each other around forming a little piggie train, and younger, more energetic pigs will run laps around tunnels, boxes and other obstacles you give them!
Check out my recent video here to see what happens when I let my own piggies out to free roam in the living room!

Guinea pigs are very rarely aggressive, they tend to be friendly and smarter than you might think, especially once they are tamed and used to your presence. For example, guinea pigs will greet you, they can be taught to respond to certain words or noises, they quickly associate noises with things like feeding time and they will learn your routine.
Some guinea pigs can even be taught tricks, like turning in a circle and playing with toys. Or you can just have fun with them by hiding vegetables around the cage or floortime area, and watch them sniffing them out. The more you do this, you’ll realise they begin to learn the hiding places and will head straight for them rather than relying on their nose!

Last but not least, guinea pigs are calmer than other rodents. Rather than always wanting to escape, guinea pigs like feeling safe and secure. They are content in their cage and they will snuggle in your lap and fall asleep. They might seem skittish when you first get them, but taming is simple and fun and will really help them get used to you. As piggies get older, they become even more chilled out around you, which is really rewarding to see.
And those are my top ten reasons why guinea pigs make great pets! I didn’t include those sometimes standard and generic statements like “they are easy to care for“, “they are great for kids” and “they are inexpensive“. The fact is that guinea pigs can be tricky to care for, especially with grooming and if any health issues come about. Whether they are expensive or not varies for everyone, but things like providing a large suitable cage, giving them fresh food everyday and making sure they get the right vet care can really add up. Finally, responsible children can make great owners and they can learn a lot from keeping guinea pigs – but this shouldn’t imply that guinea pigs are a pet that children can be relied solely upon to look after without any help from adults.

I hope this post helped if you are thinking about getting guinea pigs! Thank you so much for reading!
– Sarah, Lyra, Willow, Phoebe and Roxy! x